benzhu ♥

I love boy thanks care me for so longtime as long you can.=) A man who so important for me. Mr Ooi. thanks occur in my life.

Monday, August 30, 2010

between us

Boys and girls. Long time didn't update my blog.=X
nothing special. I will be go Pulau Redang when Sept of 10th.
peace. =D have a fun at there.
In a flash, i already 16years old.
The time past so fast. In this 16 years, what i done?
seems like nothing. ><
Wan share that I am bigger already. I am young girl. Wow!
although I not yet 18 years old. =S
wait the day coming, expect.

I am 16 years old now.

Did me happy in this 16 years?
yea, I happy. But also have unhappy.
It's okay, this will be happened around us.
I am Cheng. A sweetie girl? A cutie girl?
LOL. I am a ordinary girl =X
I love my sweeties friends. I meet them since primary school.
It's very long long time><>
my Lovely family. nothing to say? No.I love you all.My brother.
I meet a boy when in secondary school. yea. his name ooi junjie.><
We together since I am 14years old. So young then have a love affair.
Opps. I don't know, That why we call Love. =)
I love you.
The peoples who very important in my life.
My Boy. My family. My sweeties friends
I love you all. thanks you.
I trust my boy and I can be forever. I believe.
I trust my family will bring me happiness always.
I trust our friendship will be forever. just like her say.
A truth friendship no need use a gang/group for describe. Because we always in each other heart. =D i care you. so that why I love you =)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Post =)

a post. tomorrow. A test in our school
prepare for a test? No. Not yet. I am lazy to revision now.
Help..! =( Grr..! Stop it online. But i can't leave my computer place and go for study.
Because I am lazy. I keep expect the holidays when September. Oh! Gosh.
The test is easier for me? Oh no. I don't think so.
Do you have any confidence on your test? LOL. no also
Do you think the test is not important? Yes,i think so. Because it's a small test.
=/ how can I have this idea. This stupid intent. But is too late.
A big case on study is lazy. Stop it. keep online away.
my way my feeling is later I will study soon. But,i did not do it again.
Whatever. I know that if i did not study,i can't get a good result.
Let me share some pictures before i leave here. =)

a cute post between us. I love this =D

act cute ! hiak hiak

Lastly,a normal post.=)

I change my blog primary photo.
because my boy called me changed it.
Okay. I change it. I keep think what i want to put it.
Finally, i put our picture. It's nice! I think. Opps! =)

A part of my life-You! Mr ooi junjie ♥.

Monday, August 16, 2010


很想说 你以为你自己很厉害吗
奇怪 听我朋友说今天你在学校打羽毛球
有一点可恶 怎么说呢.
虽然你的确有那么一点点的厉害 可是也未至于摆出你那高傲的脸吧
听说你也有说我吧 我其实很不爽 就你没有必要这样说不会打羽毛球的人
难道羽毛球这种项目只适合会打羽球的人 那不会打羽球的人就是你成为笑话中的笑柄
这只是一场不起眼的比赛 你认为像你这种所谓很厉害的人就必须和一样等级的人打一场你心里所谓的精彩比赛吗 虽然你是有许多你的体育细胞 可是不代表你可以讽刺别人
请问你觉得你自己是校对 就很厉害吗 你只是学校的校对 你并不是国手
一场精彩比赛 是那大家一起互相切磋的过程 而不是在那哈哈大笑地笑人不会打羽球
世上是有很厉害打羽球的人 可是也是被训练 学习来的 你笑人?人笑回你
一山还有一山高 可能在你眼里我们就像是容易打败的人 可是当你在那种比你更厉害的人眼里你也是算不了什么 校对什么屁话 可笑的是你以为你真的很厉害 可悲的是在等待被别人笑的那一天
每一场比赛一定有人输 有人赢 这次虽然你输了,不代表你下次也会输
赢的人不必骄傲 听过龟兔赛跑的故事吧 不要对我说讽刺之类的话 我不好惹! 我不犯你 你也不必说我 这次是你说我 我只是想告诉你我就是这样的人 你说我 我会记在心里 你帮过我 我也会记在心里 不是小气 是 是非分明! 这是原则

Thursday, August 12, 2010


你到底是一位怎样的人 为什么你会这样
她之所以告诉你整件事情的过程 是因为她相信你 是因为她信任你
可是 听说你竟然把她告诉你的事情告知另一个人 那是什么
看着你每次对我们笑的笑容 亲切的眼神 那全都是假的吗
当她告诉我们时 的确她眼里充满了伤心的眼泪 还是她信错人
你应该不知道 只是替她不值得 不值得你掉下眼泪 算了
可能有许多人不喜欢我们 有很多人讨论我们 可是有谁知道我们是真的
我们并没有要靠某个人来出名 根本没有这一回荒谬的事情
其实我们根本不需要 因为她我们能出名吗 可笑! 不可能!
或许在你们的立场 名利是很重要 可是你有没有认真想过你自己本身出了许多的问题
别在我们面前讲一套 做一套 带上你那多层的面具认识人 奇怪
损失的是你自己 表面你们是团结 实际你们是一盘散沙
我们有时不和彼此说话 不一定是在说别人的坏话 其实我们很好
并不是别人说的那样 假惺惺.
为什么世上这样多这种人 把没有的说成有 把黑变白 把事实变歪理
不要挑拨我们之间的友情 你没有这个能力

Saturday, August 7, 2010

So what.

Don't like you.
begin till now. never change before.
I am stubborn. So? I don't like. don't let me see you.
Will me smile in front of you. For give you face.
I don't know. Maybe you're not care also.
But,i Don't like You. Mention it.
But,i need pretend in front of you.
a people will say have any reason,you don't like her?
no reason. Just a feel. I can't accept her.
Fake! Crazy.
i don't like.not mean i hate her.=l